This is a software which is used to raise form data. The form data is then processed by university staff and appraisers.
Users fill out forms
There are employees, which then process the data.
Sometimes there is an additional reviewer, if the data is to be assessed by a third party.
Fill out forms
Each form has a unique link through which it can be invoked (because there are hundreds of forms).
The organizational unit which provides the form must tell you that unique link.
Try the list below. It lists all forms that are currently active. If not please contact us.
Process forms
If you are a member of the university or an reviewer you need login credentials in order to get access to the data.
If you have these credentials go to that here.
If not please contact us.
Review form data
If you are a member of the university or an reviewer you need login credentials in order to get access to the data.
If you have these credentials go to that here.
If not please contact us.
Confirm action
Are you sure?
Error message
Successfully executed
Add entries to record
DestroyThe entry could not be foundYou do not have permissions!Something has gone wrong! We will try to fix this as soon as possible.
Please try again later! Thank you very much!
No permissionsResend confirmationActivate userMessage has been send gracefully